The Three Fates

Artist: Izzy Irizarry Collector: Richard

Richard previously collected a full sleeve from Izzy, so choosing an artist to complete two cover-ups on his back was a no-brainer. Inspired by his client’s existing Roman mythology sleeve, Izzy transformed the myth of The Three Fates into a full back piece. Using a simplified yet impactful design, Izzy used the grand scale of this tattoo to focus on precise details and bold techniques. Sharpie sketches on Richard's back were instrumental in perfecting the layout during brainstorming sessions. With graywashing techniques, he skillfully concealed the existing tattoos, seamlessly merging the new and existing elements into a cohesive and visually striking narrative. If you’re seeking an artist who’s up for a challenge, click the button below to submit a form for Izzy!


Post Mastectomy Transformation


Masked Woman